About Us

The truth is we're more of a group of misfits than anything else. The WagsWorths was started initially as a blog to showcase our dogs and our dynamic in hopes of helping others with special needs dogs. To show that even with conditions such as Addison's disease, Cushing's disease, cancer, arthritis, CDRM, and dogs who have become bound to a wheelchair that you still can share a full life together filled with adventure and beautiful memories. From Camping adventures to paddleboard in the ocean, We really strive to give our animals the best life we can. We believe that they deserve the same chance as we do to experience life. Not only have we added special needs fur babies into our pack we have also added last-chance dogs. Dogs who have been mislabeled. We hope to teach the difference between aggression and being terrified. 

We have made the choice to step away from the blog and start a company selling our art on merchandise. Each collection is inspired by something we have been through. Working out our emotions in a healthy format. With every sale, 100% of the profits will go to helping us fuel our dream of saving animals and bringing light to situations that seem dark. We hope to one day have a facility and a non-profit dog rescue. Specializing in large breed special needs dogs.   

We have included pictures of our pack to show you who we are talking about. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. With much love- The WagsWorths